In Control!

In Control!


Few questions that I cannot seem to find on wiki

Adarcer opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I am adding armored zombies and skeletons to game only this gives me a few problems

  1. Armor drops too much is there a way to make it drop like a percentage chance
  2. baby zombies spawn with armor just looks ridiculous so what is the mob tag for baby zombies have tried "mob":" zombie~~{isBaby=1}", so i can make a custom rule for them with no armor and possibly changes based on last question.
  3. I have increased the speed of mobs is there a way to decrease the baby zombie speed so it matches the adult speed.
  4. due to getting swarmed in daytime i tried to put this rule in effect, I expected to get some limited spawns during the day on the surface and swarms at night but it does not seem to work mobs are still spawning were they should not during the day.

"hostile": true,
"mintime": 24000,
"maxtime": 12515,
"minlight": 0,
"maxlight": 7,
"result": "allow"
}, {
"hostile": true,
"mintime": 12516,
"maxtime": 22800,
"result": "allow"


Sorry for late reply:

  1. Use a 'random' condition with the rule
  2. Not sure. Have to check this but later. Not sure how baby zombies work internally
  3. same
  4. You set all to allow so how is this blocking spawns in any way?

Ended up deleting that part what i was trying to do is allow spawns in low light areas during the day should have removed the seesky part tho now that i looked at it again. I have another mod that deals with spawns still using yours to block spawns on certain blocks/ or dimensions.

what i am trying to do now is disable leather armor from dropping as it is annoying to pick up stuff i am just gonna throw away this does not work
"mob": "Zombie",
"remove": "minecraft:leather_chestplate@*"
have at least 80 leather chest metadata/item damage and still need to do the other armor types how do i disable something like this minecraft:leather_chestplate:79.withTag({ench: [{lvl: 4 as short, id: 4 as short}], display: {color: 3672790}}) is there a easy way to do this without hundreds of lines of code ?


I think that it should work if you just remove the @ alltogether. Then it should ignore meta


I originally tried it without the meta, enchanted and damaged stuff was still dropping. but will backup current insane file and edit a less insane copy to see if it works

Edit: seems to work