Anyone know what is wrong with this code?
CaptainStalfoss opened this issue ยท 1 comments
I am trying to make certain mobs spawn in certain Biomes.
so far it just doesn't want to work.
it seams like it doesn't want to work whenever i specify Biomes.
currently they DO spawn in tropics -127
but they DON'T spawn in Overworld 0,
Edit: and i have used different names for biomes.
Aka: "biomesoplenty:marsh" or "Marsh" or "68"
"dimension": [0,-127],
"maxcount": "5,mocreatures:crocodile",
"block": ["minecraft:grass","biomesoplenty:grass","biomesoplenty:mud","moreplanets:infected_grass","tropicraft:sand"],
"mobs": [
"mob": "mocreatures:crocodile",
"weight": 1,
"groupcountmin": 1,
"groupcountmax": 2
"dimension": [0,-127],
"biome": ["advancedrocketry:marsh","minecraft:mutated_swampland","tropicraft:tc_tropics_rainforest_plains","tropicraft:tc_tropics_beach","moreplanets:infected swampland","biomesoplenty:quagmire","minecraft:swampland","biomesoplenty:wetland","biomesoplenty:land_of_lakes","biomesoplenty:moor","biomesoplenty:marsh","biomesoplenty:lush_swamp","biomesoplenty:dead_swamp","biomesoplenty:swampland","biomesoplenty:bayou","biomesoplenty:mangrove","biomesoplenty:fen","biomesoplenty:bog"],
"mob": "mocreatures:crocodile",
"result": "allow"},
"mob": "mocreatures:crocodile",
also tried this code as a test.
Doesnt work, Zombies still spawn in plains.
"dimension": 0,
"biome": "Plains",
"mob": ["minecraft:zombie"],
"result": "deny"
From what i gathered, its the Biome names that are wrong.
The only issue is... there ARE no correct biome names for Vanilla/Bop.
there's only so many ways you can putt in "Plains".
non of these work:
The ID: "1"
The Name: "Plains"
The Resource Location: "minecraft:plains",
i even tried the Class: ""
and putting in ether "plains" or "PLAINS" or "_plains" doesn't work ether.
"Infected Swampland" DOES work, but its a galacticraft/moreplanets biome.