- 2
[BUG] Selecting the wrench/config tab of a Rancher causes a crash
#262 opened by SplendidAlakey - 1
[REQUEST] Farmers can farm nether wart
#261 opened by ImUrX - 2
[BUG] Failing to launch after alpha8
#260 opened by kamodius - 2
Cant make purified iron
#259 opened by 123dprinted - 1
#258 opened by 123dprinted - 1
[REQUEST] Nikolite block
#257 opened by CanINotUseTruth - 0
[BUG] Industrial Smelter overriding different molten ores
#256 opened by MirceaZisu - 2
[BUG] 1.17 chopper not working w pipes or hopper
#254 opened by Knito58 - 5
[BUG] Missing Textures
#253 opened by leastayspeachy - 3
[BUG] Solid Infuser REI Steel Dust recipe error
#252 opened by SiongSng - 1
[BUG] Pump uses power when not pumping
#251 opened by MrLavender - 1
[BUG] raw ores don't smelt in industrial smelter
#250 opened by nikolapintaric - 1
[BUG] Slaughter block crashes the game/server
#249 opened by Pretender8 - 4
[BUG] Machine Rendering fails with Sodium and Xaero's Minimap
#248 opened by goldern - 4
[BUG] Flux Container Crash Upon Breaking
#247 opened by VaelophisNyx - 0
[BUG] Modular armor dye modules hardly make a differnece
#246 opened by MarcusElg - 0
[REQUEST] Make a sound when taking damage with modulsr armor
#245 opened by MarcusElg - 1
indrev-1.10.0-alpha.4.jar conflict when start up
#244 opened by larry010129 - 1
[BUG] Tools have bad attack speeds
#242 opened by Watersfall - 1
[BUG] Raw tin,silver,lead
#240 opened by grain12 - 1
[BUG] crash on startup
#239 opened by TheNimbleNinja - 1
1.17 ore gen
#238 opened by MUHAKLorTheDorfTrottel4Github - 2
[BUG] Mining rig drill heads with unbreaking enchant
#237 opened by Danklor - 2
modular helmet bug[BUG]
#236 opened by Akira-Kyu - 2
[REQUEST] Netherite Module
#235 opened by ryleu - 0
#230 opened by frogies44 - 0
Canvas Compat
#228 opened by ryleu - 0
[REQUEST] Compatibily with CTM not working
#225 opened by Roxxedo - 2
[REQUEST] Make the miner continue to mine non-ores even after the vein has ran out
#224 opened by MarcusElg - 5
[BUG] stained glass makes cables invisible
#223 opened by Bashwy - 0
[REQUEST] Water speed module
#221 opened by MarcusElg - 0
[BUG] Applying enchantments on modular items messes up the gui
#220 opened by MarcusElg - 3
[BUG] Rendering of modular armor inside of the modular workbench is totally broken
#219 opened by MarcusElg - 0
[REQUEST] Magnet module
#218 opened by MarcusElg - 0
[REQUEST] In-game wiki should mentioned that lasers send a redstone signal when finished
#214 opened by MarcusElg - 0
[REQUEST] Add vein type for terracotta
#213 opened by MarcusElg - 0
[BUG] REI Recipe overlap
#212 opened by MarcusElg - 2
[REQUEST] Autocrafter
#211 opened - 1
[REQUEST] Some way to see the progress of empowering the core of modularity
#210 opened by MarcusElg - 4
#206 opened by derram - 0
[BUG] Advancements aren't capitelized like vanilla
#200 opened by MarcusElg - 1
[BUG] MA crops and Farmer w/bonemeal
#197 opened by Monster-Zer0 - 8
[BUG] Shearing Sheeps work - but do not collect wool
#196 opened by hugeblank - 1
[REQUEST] Using a rancher to milk mushroom cows for mushroom stew
#195 opened by MarcusElg - 0
[REQUEST] Better default machine configurations
#192 opened by MarcusElg - 0
#189 opened by Parmers249 - 1
[REQUEST] Add a bucket fill slot in the tank
#188 opened by Parmers249 - 2
The book says Laser Emitter store 25M, they store 2,5M [BUG]
#187 opened by henkaa - 0
[REQUEST] Make the farmer work with cocoa beans
#186 opened by MarcusElg - 0
[BUG] Chopper does not chop down large trees correctly
#185 opened by MarcusElg