


Industrial Reborn

Industrial Reborn is an addon for Tech Reborn, inspired by mods such as Ender IO and Industrial Foregoing.

It is still very WIP, so please feel free to report any bugs/issues you might encounter.

Current content list:

  • Powered Spawner - Uses energy to spawn mobs around itself, based on the provided Soul Vial
  • Soul Vial - Used to capture the souls of mobs, which can be used in the Powered Spawner
  • Fluid Transposer - Combines liquids with containers
  • Soul Extractor - Extracts Soul Essence from nearby mobs
  • Mob Slaughter - Kills nearby mobs, providing you with their loot and Liquid Experience
  • Animal Feeder - Feeds nearby animals with provided food, to breed them
  • Animal Baby Separator - Separates baby animals from an area, to another area
  • Liquid Experience - Acquired through the Mob Slaughter, and used in the Fluid Transposer with glass bottles to make xp bottles
  • Soul Essence - Useless for now
  • Range Upgrade - Extends the range of above machines
  • Adult Filter Upgrade - Only applicable to the Animal Baby Separator, and makes it separate adults instead of babies


Industrial Reborn is licensed under the MIT License