in early 2010 Notch added brick pyramids which did not last too long in game. he deleted it after he had updated the terrain generation. the structure is a weird one which not many know was in the game sometime ago. nobody really knows why they were added but it was probably to test the terrain generation. its a rare structure. it is big however due to the minecraft structure border limitations. i coulden't get the right size but i made it as big as i could.
What does this mod add?
Small Brick Pyramids ofc
What biomes can we find them?
Badlands, Plains and desert
Are they extremely rare to find?
in original minecraft, yes. But for people who doesn't like to spend time looking for them. i made them easier to spot/ more common to spot
Will you add more then 1 structure to this mod and call it something else?
Maybe, it depends on how lazy i am at times.
Why did you make a mod just for brick pyramids?
I like old Minecraft alot better than new Minecraft and i wanted to create something for people who loved old Minecraft. Sure most of the MInecraft player base is younger and never got to see brick pyramids like me however for the people who actually started playing Minecraft when it was in infdev might get some nostalgia out of this.
Can you make the pyramids bigger?
unfortunately due to the structure block limitations i cannot but if there is a better structure block mod for version 1.18.2 then maybe.