What is this?
"Info Is Power" (IIP in short) is a simple client-side only mod provides more details in game, even can show item's detail which you are held and armor's detail !
What can it show?
- Current Biome
- Digitized Health, Hunger, Hunger Saturation, Armor
- Player Position
- Player List (On Server)
- More Armors' And Held Items' Details (Enchantments and durability), Supports Containers (Shulker Box / Chest / Barrel etc.), Bee Hive, Explorer Map, Potion, Tools, Weapons.
Supports Other Mods?
No. But you can suggest below!
Display Mode:
1)Held Item Mode : Only display held equipment's' detail.
2)Armor Mode : Only display armors' detail.
3)Disable : No detail will be display.
Display Filter:
This array of strings declares what information will be display on the screen.
Acceptable values: "FPS", "Biome", "Health", "Hunger", "Armor", "Position", "Equipment", "HeldItems" (Warning: Case sensitive!)
Featured Versions
- 1.15 - Forge (Better Overlay)
- 1.16 - Forge / Fabric (Incoming) This mod won't support old versions before 1.15.2.