InstantStone is a lightweight mod for instant redstone component. This mod allows the acceleration of all large scale redstone projects (computers, games, calculators...) while allowing the use of redstone in the usual way.
This mod adds:
- A instant repeater, with the same features as the standard one: repeats the signal (delay can't be modified), can be locked...
- A instant comparator, with the same features as the genuine one: compares or substracts, reads inventories or item frames...
- A instant torch, with the same features as the original one: inverts signal, flames out when toggled too frequently (to avoid soft locking)...
⚠️Warning⚠️ This mod does not include any optimization mechanisms. Be aware that if the number of block updates is too high during a tick, the game will not update the redstone circuits anymore.
You want to participate in the project? You encounter a bug? Go to the Github page of the project!
Last Release: Dwight-Studio/InstantStone/releases/latest
Sources: Dwight-Studio/InstantStone