


Instrumentus - Version 2.1.0 - Tools of the World Update

Instrumentus - Version 1.2.0 - Armor Update

Instrumentus aims to improve upon the current Vanilla tool system by adding new tools and blocks.


Currently Included

- More Shears: Shears for every tool-level, shearing sheep doesn't have to be gated behind iron anymore!

- Sickles: Need a quick and dirty way to clear out a forest? The Sickle is the way to go!

- Paxels: Pickaxe! Shovel! Axe! Only the Paxel, master of all three tools, can conquer every block! (it can strip logs and make paths too!)

Hammers! Vanilla style Hammers that mine in a 3x3 area in the direction you are looking. Great for mining!

Energized Di-Emerald Tools: These are Forge Energy-Powered versions of all of the tools in Instrumentus. They are charged with either a mod that can generate and provide FE, or by striking them with lightning! There's even an Energized tool that can generate lightning strikes when right clicked on a Lightning Rod Block!

Netherite Variations of all the Tools: Crafted in the smithing table similarly to vanilla Netherite tools

Soulcopper: A new material that adds a pickaxe which allows you to right click to place a soulcopper flame, which causes light equal to a torch. There are also various decorative blocks added using the Soulcopper material.

Knives: A low attack damage high attack speed weapon that can also harvest plant fibers from grass, which can then be crafted into string. 

Special Armor with Set Bonuses: Special high-tier armor that give the user special effects if you wear the entire set, like Fire Resistance and the ability to Teleport!


- Cross-Mod Compatibility: One of Instumentus 1.10.2's biggest strengths was it's cross mod compatibility. That is coming back soon, and you'll be able to make tools out of materials from Botania and more!

More Armor Sets: More unique armor sets are coming soon!

- More Tools: More unique and special tools are coming soon!

Please feel free to suggest your new tools down below!

If you encounter any bugs, please report them to the Issue Tracker.