Instrumentus - Version 2.1.0 - Tools of the World Update
Instrumentus - Version 1.2.0 - Armor Update
Instrumentus aims to improve upon the current Vanilla tool system by adding new tools and blocks.
Currently Included
- More Shears: Shears for every tool-level, shearing sheep doesn't have to be gated behind iron anymore!
- Sickles: Need a quick and dirty way to clear out a forest? The Sickle is the way to go!
- Paxels: Pickaxe! Shovel! Axe! Only the Paxel, master of all three tools, can conquer every block! (it can strip logs and make paths too!)
- Hammers! Vanilla style Hammers that mine in a 3x3 area in the direction you are looking. Great for mining!
- Energized Di-Emerald Tools: These are Forge Energy-Powered versions of all of the tools in Instrumentus. They are charged with either a mod that can generate and provide FE, or by striking them with lightning! There's even an Energized tool that can generate lightning strikes when right clicked on a Lightning Rod Block!
- Netherite Variations of all the Tools: Crafted in the smithing table similarly to vanilla Netherite tools
- Soulcopper: A new material that adds a pickaxe which allows you to right click to place a soulcopper flame, which causes light equal to a torch. There are also various decorative blocks added using the Soulcopper material.
- Knives: A low attack damage high attack speed weapon that can also harvest plant fibers from grass, which can then be crafted into string.
- Special Armor with Set Bonuses: Special high-tier armor that give the user special effects if you wear the entire set, like Fire Resistance and the ability to Teleport!
- Cross-Mod Compatibility: One of Instumentus 1.10.2's biggest strengths was it's cross mod compatibility. That is coming back soon, and you'll be able to make tools out of materials from Botania and more!
- More Armor Sets: More unique armor sets are coming soon!
- More Tools: More unique and special tools are coming soon!
Please feel free to suggest your new tools down below!
If you encounter any bugs, please report them to the Issue Tracker.