- 2
Allow partial application/piping of operations/operators through use of placeholders.
#860 opened by met4000 - 2
Tunnel Config Copy-er
#859 opened by met4000 - 2
ConcurrentModificationException in IngredientObserver:observe
#858 opened by GeneralMine - 1
More Configurability of Network Energy Consumption
#856 opened by Trainerredstone7 - 1
Attempting to open a tunnel or reader/writer with reach messes up the player inventory until relog
#855 opened by hudson-jones - 2
Resource for learning the programming concepts?
#854 opened by Demolishun - 2
Logic cables are still rendered when covered by a facade, and significantly impact the performance.
#853 opened by staviq - 4
Apply 2 inputs to conjuncted predicates
#851 opened by met4000 - 1
Applying 'block' and then 'itemstack' to an empty Item Reader's 'Slot Item' aspect crashes the server
#848 opened by qrss - 1
Using 'itemstack' on minecraft:leaves2 blocks returns items with wrong data values
#847 opened by qrss - 1
with_MB operator
#846 opened by antrobot1234 - 1
Simple recursive loop involving a growing list crashes the game
#845 opened by qrss - 5
Item Exporter and Importer fails to transport products from processing machine like Furnace to Storage Drawer
#844 opened by RayStarkMC - 2
Can not open item importer menu
#843 opened by SirLonestar - 4
Inventory and block placing fails after accessing reader GUI from greater than normal distance
#842 opened by Virgil-the-Freak - 0
String input in LP is limited to 64 characters
#841 opened by rubensworks - 3
Add (unique) aliases for long operator names
#840 opened by Krutoy242 - 4
Operator to read a Card's value from its item form
#839 opened by TheTrigg - 2
Ability to name parts like Block readers
#838 opened by TheTrigg - 1
Unlike other types, the Recipe type cannot be created as "empty"/"null"
#837 opened by GreyMario - 4
Let wrench to pop item and drop ID
#836 opened by borg286 - 3
Crash on Startup (Thaumcraft Compat)
#835 opened by Xaikii - 1
automating recipe usage
#834 opened by lmh98 - 1
chisel facade not blending in
#833 opened by lmh98 - 1
List items doesn't get recognized in World Block Importer
#832 opened by janagyjr - 1
Clearing multiple interfaces/variables at the same time
#831 opened by Hapseleg - 4
ValueObjectTypeItemStack$ValueItemStack cannot be cast to ValueTypeOperator$ValueOperator
#830 opened by almightyju - 2
Crash: java.lang.IllegalStateException: A crafting job was finished while it still has unfinished dependencies.
#829 opened by MitchellMarx - 2
Energy Battery on DDSS not outputting
#828 opened by Solverbolt - 1
[1.12.2] Squeezing recipe for White Tulip isn't right
#827 opened by Federsavo - 6
The omni directional connector cannot provide energy for the integrated tunnels in the lower bound after the energy consumption is turned on
#826 opened by Gan-N - 1
Materializing list of Crafting Recipes causes Crash
#825 opened by jeddings123 - 3
Add an option in "RS Crafting Item" aspect of Inventory Reader to detect crafting items from sub crafting tasks
#824 opened by changhe3 - 2
Energy Batteries in inventory lose all power between saves
#823 opened by md5i - 1
NBT list string showing as NBT
#822 opened by Kyiki-Nasoka - 1
Add a GUI to Omni-Day connector to set up a group
#821 opened by Gan-N - 3
About Mono-Directional Connector unusable after disassembly
#820 opened by Gan-N - 3
Will the graphical programming variable card be updated in the future?
#819 opened by Gan-N - 0
Crash when placing cable on snow
#818 opened by Gan-N - 7
Visual Glitch When Reading 'On The Dynamics of Integration"
#817 opened by janagyjr - 2
How to implement a logical XOR operator?
#816 opened by zjuwyz - 5
Cables not rendering correctly.
#815 opened by deceet - 0
Logic programmers who want to be able to directly enter the project ID when editing a variable card can add it to the list. For example, enter "# 0057" for the diamond block.
#814 opened by Gan-N - 2
Tuple and Proper Generics
#813 opened by changhe3 - 1
I hope to add variable card to Integrated Dynamics.
#812 opened by Gan-N - 1
Hope in the logic editor you can directly import the required items through jei.
#811 opened by Gan-N - 2
Pretty please make variable cards editable
#810 opened by FluffyDiscord - 2
Invite you and your Minecraft Modification to introduce to the player/audience in Taiwan.
#809 opened by blacklunaer - 3
The Battery, Squeezer and Drying Basin need GUI options
#808 opened by KollinsPlays - 1
On the In Dynamics of Integration starting off simple and useful
#807 opened by KollinsPlays