- 1
World Reader "TPS" Value not responding to current dimension/server TPS
#1325 opened by ConnorMiner - 1
JEI does not consider liquids as inputs for drying basins
#1312 opened by underscorched - 3
Crashed when entering the save.Maybe a bug with DraconicEvolution
#1313 opened by NEFirefox - 1
Equality and Deep Equality operators clarified . Raw equality for Blocks.
#1314 opened by valipopescu - 1
Error with `NBT.from_tag_list` on `map`ed NBT list with empty object
#1315 opened by met4000 - 1
replace_regex crashes game when attempting to use non-existent capture group
#1317 opened by LyraelRayne - 1
Recipes produced by machine reader are not compatible with Integrated Crafting crafter
#1316 opened by LyraelRayne - 2
Causing crashes on server
#1318 opened by SirTrev - 13
Mod-Induced TPS Lag on Server
#1319 opened by grahamfoxrollup - 1
Block reader is delayed when following the player
#1320 opened by MofumofuChan - 2
Variable offset doesn't update on world load even after updating the network
#1321 opened by MofumofuChan - 6
[Shader issue] Issue with ComplementaryUnbound shaders
#1322 opened by ArsiTheFox - 7
[Item Frame Reading] Can't get Item Frame entity to reveal item data.
#1323 opened by ArsiTheFox - 2
[Entity Reader] Not revealing Item data from Item Frame or rotation
#1324 opened by ArsiTheFox - 2
live results from logic programmer
#1326 opened by mvignol - 2
Dyeable cables
#1327 opened by Paddy69 - 7
It is not possible to pipe items from mechanical_squeezer
#1328 opened by gjmhmm8 - 9
Lag when using large amount of chests in a storage system
#1283 opened by stefmmm - 1
Squeezer crashes the game
#1282 opened by valipopescu - 3
Type cast precedence for arithmetic operators
#1284 opened by met4000 - 2
Tabs shift
#1288 opened by castilio20 - 1
[1.20] Mismatch between JEI recipes and recipes for 'Auto-Planking' advancement
#1290 opened by met4000 - 1
Malformed input slots in LP
#1289 opened by met4000 - 1
[Feature Request] - Merging of Portable Storage Interface and Crafting Job Interface
#1286 opened by ToxinZangoose - 1
Game Crash in Debug World "Cannot get property IntegerProperty"
#1287 opened by DinnerBeef - 2
Arithmetic Cast Precedence Tests
#1292 opened by met4000 - 2
Wrong error message for type error of partial application done by "apply"?
#1293 opened by cyb0124 - 2
Delayer overwriting values in list
#1295 opened by Arochio - 6
Book bug
#1296 opened by castilio20 - 4
Crash from card with type mismatch
#1301 opened by met4000 - 2
LP interface problems with labelling
#1297 opened by met4000 - 2
Cannot backspace within delayer inputs
#1298 opened by met4000 - 1
Unreliable crash when removing/replacing InDy network with commands
#1299 opened by met4000 - 2
Rendering bugs in chunk with a complex InDy system
#1300 opened by met4000 - 2
random crash on server
#1302 opened by alex450 - 2
Menril trees replace grass with dirt even when they're prevented from placing logs.
#1304 opened by derram - 6
Low performance on Storage Terminal when Item Interface is connected to Functional Storage's Controller
#1303 opened by jmadarg - 3
[1.20.1] - Crash when attempting to launch
#1305 opened by ToxinZangoose - 1
Fluid connections can not instert or extract fluid to/from a vanilla cauldron.
#1306 opened by derram - 1
[Non-issue] Thank you for Safe Mode!
#1307 opened by s5bug - 1
When closing the GUI of parts, the item held by the cursor will disappear.
#1308 opened by UraraChiya - 3
Arithmetic operators from PR#1291 not in book
#1311 opened by met4000 - 7
[1.20.1] Integrated Dynamics fails to find Common Capabilities
#1309 opened by Zeentch - 1
Duplication Glitch, Logic Programmer
#1310 opened by SilverScythe64 - 6
Add advanced item interface with support for fake player interaction
#1331 opened by gjmhmm8 - 5
Constant / K - Should have only one argument, and a different name?
#1329 opened by void-spark - 7
Generator doesnt work
#1330 opened by Oddvin - 1
placing logic cables using a Dank Storage in construction mode deletes the dank and all it's contents 1.19.2
#1332 opened by Old-Man-D - 3
Feature: ability to disable entire networks (all connected parts and readers)
#1333 opened by laundmo - 3
Repeated crash/visual issues when placing Facade of type Logic Cable on another Logic Cable
#1334 opened by laundmo