[Feature Request] Inventory Tweaks features
Krutoy242 opened this issue ยท 11 comments
For an easier transition from IT, please add these features.
- Sorting config button (in addition to keybind)
In IT its square with [...]
- Ctrl+Leftclick to move over a single item at a time
- Ctrl+Rightclick to move over a single item into a new stack at a time
to move the entire inventory over.Working both directions. When from chest, hotbar not filling
to move every stack of a particular item - Add configurable sound on sort
in hotbar to move whole hotbar (now only works with main inventory, not hotbar)
I add some features
- Alt+Q throws all items from the inventory that are the same as the hovered item
- Space+Q throws the whole inventory
in hotbar to move whole hotbar (now only works with main inventory, not hotbar)
in hotbar to move whole hotbar (now only works with main inventory, not hotbar)
I made player hotbar sortable as its own slot group. You can use the usual key combos while hovering a hotbar slot.
There is a feature from IT im missing:
Double click
on item to gather items from all slots (internal inventory)
Added it to 0
I could double-click only when other inventory opened - not working only if player inventory active.