Inventory Bogo Sorter

Inventory Bogo Sorter


[Feature Request] Inventory Tweaks features

Krutoy242 opened this issue ยท 11 comments


For an easier transition from IT, please add these features.

  • Sorting config button (in addition to keybind)

    In IT its square with [...]

  • Ctrl+Leftclick to move over a single item at a time
  • Ctrl+Rightclick to move over a single item into a new stack at a time
  • LMB+Space to move the entire inventory over.

    Working both directions. When from chest, hotbar not filling

  • Shift+Doubleclick or CTRL+SHIFT LMB+ALT to move every stack of a particular item
  • Add configurable sound on sort
  • Ctrl+Space in hotbar to move whole hotbar (now only works with main inventory, not hotbar)

I think like everything was fulfilled and i can close the issue.


Thank you very much. I will go through them this week


I add some features

  • Alt+Q throws all items from the inventory that are the same as the hovered item
  • Space+Q throws the whole inventory
  • Sorting the player's inventory refills stacks in the hotbar
  • Ctrl+Space in hotbar to move whole hotbar (now only works with main inventory, not hotbar)
  • Ctrl+Space in hotbar to move whole hotbar (now only works with main inventory, not hotbar)

I made player hotbar sortable as its own slot group. You can use the usual key combos while hovering a hotbar slot.


Sounds good, thank you!


There is a feature from IT im missing:

  • Double click on item to gather items from all slots (internal inventory)

Added it to 0 message.

I could double-click only when other inventory opened - not working only if player inventory active.


Isnt that a vanilla feature?


Ok, sorry for missreport - it start to work again.


I didn't checked yet, but it stop working when i updated IT->Bogo. I will check it again.