Inventory Bogo Sorter

Inventory Bogo Sorter


Inventory Bogosorter

This is aims to replace the popular Inventory Tweaks mod.


Inventory Tweaks API is very limited. It doesn't work well with modular gui libraries like ModularUI. It also has desync bugs, since it is client side only.

Why rewrite and not just fork?

The Inventory Tweaks code is very unpleasant to work with. I rather write my own clean mod.


  • sorting of player inventories in (almost) all moded GUI's (default key is middle mouse button)
  • sorting of many modded inventories
  • sort buttons for each sortable inventory
  • configuring of sort rules (open config with K by default)
  • automatically switching out tools wich are about to break
  • automatically refill broken tools or used up items
  • scroll through vertical slots above a hotbar slots while holding ALT
  • several key shortcuts to move items:
    • CTRL + LMB: transfers a single item
    • CTRL + RMB: transfers a single item into an empty slot
    • Space + LMB: transfer the whole inventory
    • ALT + LMB: transfers all items of the same type
    • Space + Q: throws the whole inventory into the world
    • ALT + Q: throws all the items of the same type into the world


  • sorting profiles
    • bind certain profiles to a certain block? (might be difficult)
    • radial menu to quickly choose profile
    • choose profile for ae2 and jei
  • configurable sort sound
  • animation?