CompactStorage Chest - sort doesn't work.
mellamokb opened this issue · 6 comments
I'm playing on the Volcano Block 1.1.9 modpack by Dark_Arcana which has latest CompactStorage and ComPatchedStorage mods, as well as this mod. I have a max-sized Compact Chest built with the Chest Builder, and the middle-click to sort does not work. I verified it works normally in other chests/inventory so it seems to be an issue specific to the CompactStorage mod.
Also which sort rules do you use? If you use display name or color, the client needs to send data of each item in the chest to the server. That packett might got too large
Sorry - I realized I wasn't on latest version of your mods, so I went ahead and updated everything - but the behavior is the same. Just to clarify here is exactly what I'm using (CurseForge - Minecraft 1.12.2 - SSP):
- MixinBooter- 8.8
- ModularUI - 2.4.3
- ConfigAnytime - 2.0
- Mouse Tweaks Unofficial - 3.1.4
- Crafting Tweaks Unofficial - 9.0.1
- Had Enough Items - 4.25.2
- Inventory Bogo Sorter - 1.4.8
I opened debug.log and watched while I opened and sorted the CompactChest. There was nothing recorded in the log (plus it's like 50K lines, if you would find it useful I'll send). Also it didn't even make the 'click' sound like it had tried to register an attempt to sort. Ironically, I tried adding the Inventory Tweaks mod and it is able to correctly sort the CompactChest.
I'm not sure what you mean by sort rules - As far as I know I'm using default values for all mod config - I haven't made any customizations.
I said latest log not debug log. You can find the sort rules in config/bogosorter/config.json
or by opening the config ui by pressing K (i think).
Sorry about that - I checked latest.log, there is nothing logged when I try to sort the CompactStorage. I also opened the config ui with K, and there are no Item or NBT Sort rules added.
OK - I did a very simple test. I started a brand new modpack from scratch in CurseForge, on latest Forge version 1.12.2. I added only these 3 mods latest version - CompactStorage, ComPatchedStorage, and Inventory Bogo Sorter. Loaded a brand new world with all defaults in creative mode, and used the Chest Builder to build a max-sized Compact Chest. Then opened the chest, put in a couple of items, and tried to middle-click to sort. Nothing happened. I don't know how to make it any more basic than that. I also verified the latest.log in this test modpack has no logging added when I tried to sort.
Can you verify on your end whether you see the same result with this type of test?
Edit: I also tried building a 1x2 size chest, and middle-click still does nothing so I don't think it is related to packet size. And finally, I happened to notice that when I open a vanilla chest, I see two buttons at the top-right - a 'Z' and '...', but these buttons do not show on the CompactStorage Chest, which leads me to believe the integration is missing.