IO Reborn

IO Reborn


IO Reborn is the best mod that you can think of when you need not only pretty but useful peripherals !

We provide many peripherals, for example an Entity Sensor ! Yes, an Entity Sensor it can even target dropped items ! We'll let you take a look by yourself, the only thing you have to do is to download the mod for the right version of your game. By the future we'll implements more new peripherals.

You might think where thoses ideas came from ? That's right, saddly we didn't created fire. Every (or a majority) peripherals/blocks that are presents in this mods came from very old mods that were no longer updated.

Here a list of some of them :

  • OpenCCSensors (by Lyqyd)
  • Peripheral IO (by richie3366)
  • BioLock (by GopherAtl)
  • Immibis's Peripherals (by immibis)

Take a look at this (i love this antenna) :