- 0
Can't right click on shader settings
#2253 opened by YuriGen2423 - 8
NeoForge port
#2254 opened by Lolothepro - 1
Fabric Version for 1.20.2
#2255 opened by PoultryPants - 1
iris Shaders breaks the mechanics of ESP mapping through the SHADERS function in meteor client
#2263 opened by LimonTH - 1
Iris incompatable with Vibrant Vanilla
#2262 opened by BeeFox-sys - 8
Lag when looking in certain direction.
#2256 opened by Iysrvv - 6
Pc crashing when using shaders
#2259 opened by surgeflame - 1
Disable Occlusion Culling in shaders.properties
#2260 opened by jbritain - 3
Crash upon resource pack reload when joining a server with some custom resource packs and shaders enabled
#2261 opened by ed522 - 1
Error upon loading shader
#2271 opened by LTBlueLatios - 0
NeoForge support
#2268 opened by mrjasonn - 1
Incompatibility with fabricmc's sponge-mixin 0.13.0+mixin.0.8.5
#2269 opened by Kichura - 0
Iris can freeze a PC for 20 seconds when "musk rose shaders 3.6" is applied in the game configuration file with shaders on
#2270 opened by Lolothepro - 2
#2276 opened by 53MB1337 - 1
Vintagium support
#2272 opened by BloxMaster3 - 0
Crash with `-Dmixin.debug.countInjections=true`
#2274 opened by Lolothepro - 0
Color Space Settings Not Working on MacOS
#2275 opened by spzi - 2
Custom Entity Textures
#2277 opened by ly-nxs - 6
Incompatible with voxy in ver1.7.0
#2278 opened by iekiekkeikei - 0
Better compatibility with Continuity mod. (Connected textures incorrect materials)
#2279 opened by djmrFunnyMan - 2
Shaders button doesnt show up.
#2280 opened by NormalMinecraftPlayer - 1
Error message "pack doesn't have DH sup" is unreadable
#2281 opened by NatoBoram - 25
[Feature Request] Is it possible to support HDR content for Minecraft through Iris?
#2282 opened by Ptilopsis01 - 1
Crash when loading a shader into my game
#2283 opened by BleuzzZa - 1
Invisible creeper on latest version.
#2284 opened by Sovcat0608 - 10
ERROR: Implementation limit of 16 active fragment shader samplers (e.g., maximum number of supported image units) exceeded, fragment shader uses 19 samplers
#2285 opened by zestysoft - 4
Languages not being changed via resourcepack
#2286 opened by seriousfreezing - 0
Compatibility with FancyMenu
#2290 opened by seriousfreezing - 1
进入世界后,iris会导致部分区块消失不渲染After entering the world, iris will cause some blocks to disappear without rendering
#2291 opened by 0zjn0123 - 2
PTGI GFME/NostalgiaVX type path traced shaders have issues
#2293 opened by Taiyou06 - 2
Iris & Sodium lagging and less preformance
#2294 opened by Tenzorello - 4
Crashes during launcher
#2298 opened by Adhater1 - 1
Update the link to the installation guide in the Modrinth page
#2296 opened by JoseDeFreitas - 7
Iris 1.7.0 (1.20.1) iris does not want to work with latest Distant Horizens for 1.20.1
#2311 opened by darealblack - 1
Report Bug while loading Voyager shaders
#2313 opened by DiscFragment - 1
Armourer's Workshop rendering bug
#2299 opened by Szedann - 1
Might have found redundent code
#2300 opened by mrjasonn - 1
Failed to get entry for 10303
#2301 opened by PotatoSlayer56 - 2
Suggestion embedium neo forge compat
#2302 opened by Thunderrock424242 - 1
After adding "Iris & Oculus Flywheel Compat", I can't enter the game.
#2304 opened by lostmyself8 - 1
Weird Errors in Log
#2314 opened by TheCrafter8000 - 0
Discord Server invitation expired
#2305 opened by M1B4ND - 0
addition of the color space option moves mipmap setting offscreen
#2308 opened by fayer3 - 1
crash upon launch
#2309 opened by ChimeraMusic - 1
The default Iris configuration file pretends that shaders are enabled, when they're not.
#2310 opened by Lolothepro - 0
#2317 opened by jbritain - 2
JITPACK: Build failed, 404 for install-jdk.sh
#2318 opened by ByThePowerOfScience - 2
Strange mixin-related crash on startup with 1.20.6 update of Do a Barrel Roll.
#2319 opened by enjarai - 4
Adding Nvidium Compatibility
#2320 opened by UnaTried - 25
Freecam cannot render ungerground anymore - some FOV logic added in 1.7?
#2321 opened by devjta