Iron Nugget Recycling lets you smelt most iron-requiring items into Iron Nuggets. This can be especially useful when exploring a structure containing blocks such as Iron Bars or Rails. You can also use it to get some iron back when you craft too many Iron Doors etc.
This is a mod, data pack version available here.
For Gold Nuggets check out Gold Nugget Recycling!
List of items that can now be smelted into Iron Nuggets:
- Bucket
- Shears
- Flint and Steel
- Crossbow
- Shield
- Compass
- Recovery Compass
- Minecart
- Minecart with Chest
- Minecart with Hopper
- Hopper
- Cauldron
- Anvil (all variants)
- Smithing Table
- Chain
- Lantern & Soul Lantern
- Hanging Sign (all variants)
- Iron Door
- Iron Trapdoor
- Rail
- Detector Rail
- Activator Rail
- Iron Bars
- Tripwire Hook
- Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate