You will find mini mob embryos in dungeons and temples. The embryos can be placed into an incubator to begin a gestation process.
You will need to craft mini mob pellets to put the developed embryos into them, then you can throw a pellet to the ground to spawn a mini mob!
Mini Mobs can be of the following types:
- Pig: will tackle the enemy.
- Zombie: Smites your enemies, has strength and health bonus, and can pick up items to give them to you.
- Skeleton: Ranged attack.
- Creeper: Does not explode (thankfully), instead dashes at the enemy. From level 7 on there is a chance it will set the enemy on fire.
- Spider: Can climb walls. From level 6 on, it has a chance to poison the enemy.
- Soldier: It's a player mini mob, given a valid player name, it takes the corresponding skin.
- Penguin: Fast on ice, snow, water, walks like a penguin.
The mini mobs gain experience with every attack they perform. With experience they can level up and increase their stats:
- Speed.
- Max health.
- Follow range.
- Attack Damage.
Items and blocks on this mod.
- MM Embryo. Fin them in dungeons and temples.
- MM Pellet. To put the mobs in.
- MM Incubator. You ned RF Power to use it. Put the embrios and pellets in there.
- MM Creative energy cell. Only available in creative mode to provide power and test the incubator.
- MM Naming Station. Allows you to name items using dyes. Yes you can get color names.
For versions 1.2.21 and below CoFH Core Needed to get power: