ItemPhysic Lite - Fabric

ItemPhysic Lite - Fabric


This is a direct port to Fabric of the ItemPhysic Lite Forge mod developed by CreativeMD.  The code is based on the original from CreativeMD which is licensed as GNU General Public License v3.0 which allows modification as long as:

  • the code is published
    (see link to source above)
  • the code has the same license
    (see code on GitHub to show that it has the same GNU General Public License v3.0 license)
  • the license is provided when the source is published
    (see GitHub to verify that the License is provided)
  • the changes made are clearly stated
    (as noted, the code was modified to run in the Fabric mod loader environment.  No additional changes were made.)

All credit goes to them for the idea and work.  Thanks, CreativeMD!


Client side enhanced item animation