Client & Server side mod
New game mode has been added.
When playing Run mode, there is only one round (it's recomended to set longer round duration than default 5 minutes), in which you must find as much items as possible. All players have same item queue. When player found their item, their run score is increased by 1 and next item is immediately announced to the player. Players can complete their items independently on each other.
At the end of the round, score of all players is broadcasted. When you cannot find current item, you can skip the item using /skip command, but your score is decreased by 1 (the score cannot be lower than 0).
- Set Game Mode to TEAM
- Create team(s) - /itemshuffle teams create <team name>
- Add player(s) to the team - /itemshuffle teams addplayer <team name> <player>
Players can be removed from team using - /itemshuffle teams removeplayer <team name> <player>
Teams can be deleted using - /itemshuffle teams remove <team name>
/itemshuffle start - Starts a game.
/itemshuffle stop - Stops a game and clear all data (Item phases, score).
/itemshuffle pause - Pause timer.
/itemshuffle resume - Resume timer, or trigger new round if game was paused due to someone failed.
/itemshuffle skip - Skip current round.
/itemshuffle teams - Team commands
All settings are editable from in-game GUI.
Note: If you play on a dedicated server, you must edit the settings when you are joined on the server. The settings are synced always from server to client. When you edit the settings on the server, you should view a blue confirmation message in the chat.
Duration: 1 - 11 minutes
Remove Items: Remove task item from the player after they found it.
Show Timer: Show timer bar
Pause on fail: Pause the game after someone failed their item.
Give food: Auto-giving food to players. The 32x Cooked Beef is given after the game starts. If player die, he will be given next half stack after he respawns.
Game modes
CLASSIC - All players got random item
ALL_SAME - All players got same item
TWITCH - If player has enabled and setup twitch settings, a voting poll for next item will be displayed on his screen and users in twitch chat can vote for items by typing numbers 1-4 (or 5-8). After start, the first item will be random generated.
TEAM - Players can cooperate in teams. See TEAM UPDATE above.
Twitch Integration
For twitch integration is required your twitch channel name and OAuth2 token. You can use Twitch Token Generator by swifty or any other token generator. chat:read and chat:edit scopes are needed.
Fabric API is requied!
Made for https://www.twitch.tv/marwex
Code inspiration from Entropy: Chaos Mod