This mod adds new armor , weapons , tools and magic staffs to Minecraft.
Ruby Ore and Sapphire Ore were added and can generate in the world.
- Ruby Axe/Pickaxe/Sword/Hoe/Shovel
- Sapphire Axe/Pickaxe/Sword/Hoe/Shovel
- Obsidian Sword : Sets the enemy for two seconds in fire
Special Tools:
- Sapphire/Gold/Diamond/Iron/Wooden/Stone/Ruby Multitool
What is a multitool ?
- It is a sword axe hoe pickaxe and shovel in one tool
- Flight staff
- Ruby/Sapphire Armor
- Mini heart : How to get? : 12,5% chace to drop from mob
What can a Mini heart do ? : It heals a half heart.
- Heart : How to get? : If you have 15 level xp and right click on the generator and put a mini heart in the first slot in the second slot a heart will appear
- Heartgenerator : Crafting recipe ruby = r , redstone = s , mimi heart = h
h r h
s h s
h r h
- StaffWoodTrees can spawn in StaffWoodBiomes
- With the planks you can craft every item which is crafted in minecraft with wood
- With this wood you can craft the flight staff
- Flight Orb
- The flight orb is used to craft the flight staff
Development: HeartGeneratorGui finished
Language Support :