jobsplus.events.EventKeyInput.onKeyPress crash | 1.18.1 v0.2.6
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Issue: Upon pressing V or trying to rebind the vein miner control, a crash occurs.
Crash log: https://pastebin.com/KkpjuGwE
MC version: 1.18.1
Forge version: 39.0.79
Mods used:
Jobs+ v0.2.6
JEI v9.4.1.100
I'm confirming the bug, no pastebin as it is exactly the same as the one provided above. Game crashes when using the "v" key. Even before joining a world . (It crashed with the exact same crash log, when I was trying to paste "ctrl + v" my servers IP adress). Trying to reassign the keys so that "v" is no longer being used works, but the game still crashes if you use it for e.g. pasting, or while typing in chat. Removing Jobs+ did solve the problem.
I'm using it as part of the Medieval Minecraft (1.18.1) Modpack for Forge on Forge Version 39.0.76