- 0
Your fishing rods not catching anything
#93 opened by Aceplante - 0
Enchantment level +1 only worked once
#94 opened by CeaselessCabbage - 0
Hammers stopped mining in an aoe
#95 opened by CeaselessCabbage - 6
Crashing server now.. have another log...
#46 opened by erazare - 1
(1.18.2) Jobs+ recipes quickmove crash
#47 opened by CalcipherD - 1
[1.19.2] Axe Single Block Mod not working
#48 opened by kaffeekirsche - 2
Hammering Soapstone from BYOG gives too much EXP
#50 opened by aNinjin - 0
Changing Power-ups coin cost does not reflect in-game
#49 opened by aNinjin - 12
[1.19.2] Only Single Block Mining in all Modes
#51 opened by kaffeekirsche - 0
[1.19.2] Issues #51 not fixed
#52 opened by kaffeekirsche - 5
Jobsplus crashes game
#56 opened by Polter098 - 1
3x3 Mining on servers not working?
#53 opened by aNinjin - 0
Exception breaking skull piles
#54 opened by WenXin20 - 4
[1.19.2 - 0.9] Vein mining ore only gives mining exp for first block
#55 opened by Xetaxheb - 1
Add compatibility
#57 opened by EvilKilem - 10
Jobs+ Iron Miners Hammer not mining 3x3
#59 opened by Hammander - 6
Hammer doesn't give mined ores
#58 opened by Zealoheart - 1
Mod conflict. Origins breaks the Smith superpower.
#63 opened by RageQuitAmy - 0
Minor bug with the Smith superpower and crafting.
#64 opened by RageQuitAmy - 1
Double Drops when farming gives a carved pumpkin instead of a regular one as double-drop.
#60 opened by Friefingly - 0
Vein Miner also smelts ores
#61 opened by Dorilgey - 1
[Suggestion] 1x1 mining option for tools
#62 opened by Dorilgey - 1
Option to disable name prefix
#65 opened by SrRapero720 - 0
Mining nether gold ore gives ingots instead of nuggets
#66 opened by RageQuitAmy - 1
Smith Powerup 2 Bug
#68 opened by DAQEM - 0
Farmers exp from placing netherrack.
#69 opened by RageQuitAmy - 0
Harmful potion immunity does not work with pufferfish.
#70 opened by RageQuitAmy - 1
Spamming server logs and lagging
#71 opened by GarouKangur - 0
Construction Table bug
#72 opened by DAQEM - 2
Extact EXP multilpier and other config to a more mutable file
#73 opened by WhiT-Eboard - 1
Vein Miner and Tetra Tools?
#75 opened by SugarDaddii - 0
Double Drop Skill "Bug"
#74 opened by xd4rkzghost01 - 0
Tweaks to the Farmer Profession
#76 opened by NightlightBlackbird - 0
Ancient debris and auto smelt
#77 opened by RageQuitAmy - 0
Job+ cost level actualisation
#78 opened by Sound-Pirate - 0
enhancement: use of tags for shears
#79 opened by skadlig - 0
Visual bug with Curse breaker
#80 opened by RageQuitAmy - 0
Configure leveling up posted to chat
#81 opened by SmirkWithAMouth - 0
Multiplayer Grappling Hook Cooldown Bug
#83 opened by WeeWeePickems - 0
Enchantments from items to books power-up bug
#82 opened by RageQuitAmy - 0
Miner power-up 1 advancement not achievable
#85 opened by RageQuitAmy - 2
Miner Job still has some issues (Veinminer & Ore smelter)
#84 opened by Crankonator - 2
Some sort of "Corpse mod" like thing spawned on death.
#87 opened by itsdeadfrosty - 2
config idea
#86 opened by itsdeadfrosty - 0
Initializing game crash
#88 opened by igooliva - 0
Vein mining doesn't work with mouse buttons
#89 opened by shankSxd - 0
Mining and Digger Tool Sometimes Only Break One Block
#90 opened by Andarius68 - 2
Iron Hammer for Miner Job Seems Bugged
#91 opened by AustinNoyes-Business - 1
Config file missing
#92 opened by KitsuTheFloof - 1
An Issue with Jobs+
#96 opened by DanLozGaming