Iron Hammer for Miner Job Seems Bugged
AustinNoyes-Business opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Maybe this is a known issue but I am running into a frequent bug where I use the Miner's Iron Hammer Tool in 3x3 mode (which dependably works to clear 3x3 tiles), but the ores and ingots are not given to me. It gives me all cobblestone, granite, diorite, etc. but none of the ores or ingots. I do have the automatic smelter perk on, which might be the reason for it? I am not sure if I can disable that and try again (suggestions)?
Just wanted to report this issue. Please feel free to ask with questions, loving the mod.
This is fixed actually by disabling the auto-smelt job perk. I'm not sure if it was intended to work with that perk, but when you disable the automatic smelter perk, it gives me all the ores I mine :)
So I found this solution before.. and I don't like it =(
Somehow server just randomly disables recipe where u put raw iron into furnace and smelt it to iron ingot.. so same time auto-smelting perk stops working, even without luck more then 3. I manually added this recipe with crafttweaker(for furnace smelting).. now instead of 1 ingot per ore I'm getting few stacks without any luck enchantment. So much pain D: