How do I disable alchemist's flying potion
cocojiang39 opened this issue · 7 comments
the mod is perfect but also need custom config and more balance
What about the mod would you consider unbalanced? Please let me know ;)
flying potion and unbreakable are like op's power,don't you think so?Maybe can replace these with other superpower?
Depends on the modpack you play. I think gaining Smith level 100 is not easy, so you deserve unbreakable tools. And obtaining a nether star for 10 mins of flight seems fair. If it is too easy to get nether stars, your modpack probably contains a ring of flight anyway 🤷♂️. But I'm working on a config option for them right now.
取决于你玩的模组包。 我认为获得史密斯 100 级并不容易,所以你应该拥有牢不可破的工具。 并且获得一个 10 分钟飞行的下界之星似乎是公平的。 如果太容易获得下界之星,那么您的模组包可能无论如何都包含一个飞行环 🤷♂️ . 但我现在正在为他们设计一个配置选项。
Can you add a configuration to disable a job?