- 0
Specific tempos for music maker
#103 opened by SucksAtstuff - 0
Feature Request: Support for pedal input with midi support
#104 opened by lucibee - 2
[ QUESTION ] Is the issue with Carving Bench fixed?
#105 opened by Xelbayria - 1
[1.20.1] Music Sheet is off by a half-step
#112 opened by FoxMcloud5655 - 1
Issue with the music box when attempting to break it!
#113 opened by BqqtBG - 0
[Joy of Painting] Bug when rotating large canvas
#114 opened by nimbXnumb - 2
question: where is the source for fabric versions
#115 opened by Treetrain1 - 0
Suggestion: Teapot Changes
#116 opened by scribe-of-days - 2
Music maker: Keyboard control on non-windows OSes is broken
#77 opened by dithpri - 0
Xercamusic: Custom Instruments
#78 opened by TrikiNya - 2
Joy of Painting: Canvases are blank when joining server
#79 opened by CreatedorMade - 0
Crash on launch
#80 opened by witheredwojak - 1
Azerbaijani language crashes.
#82 opened by Khazarli - 2
Render crash
#81 opened by JWTHDYTWA - 1
Crashes when you click "Singleplayer" (1.19.4)
#86 opened by Duxtorm - 4
Joy of Painting: 1.19.4 - 1.20.1 port?
#90 opened by Cape-City - 2
No Sound from imported music
#92 opened by DeadmanTheGod - 2
Update forge to fabric issue
#94 opened by Duxtorm - 1
Server Crash/No Tick on Startup
#93 opened by CyanKhaos - 2
[ REQUIRE ] implementation of a code for 1.18.2 | Answer to Question
#95 opened by Xelbayria - 3
Crashing when trying to paint. (v1.0.0) (mc v1.20.1)
#96 opened by Haano137 - 1
Xercamusic 1.19.4: not recognized as fabric mod?
#97 opened by lempamo - 1
[Joy of Painting] No Crafting Recipe for the Palette
#98 opened by Aristeaa - 0
Improvements for painting and more canvases!
#101 opened by CreativeManul - 1
file doesnt lead
#102 opened by cucumberpix