



This extension adds python 3.8 support to JsMacros 1.2.3+

It is annoying to setup but if you go through the effort It will give you full cython compatibility with the newest version of python. In order to use JEP you will need to install it using the guide for your OS on their wiki.

How To Install JEP

Platform Independent Steps (Do before each platform)

  1. Download the JEP extension jar from the releases section of this Github repository, or build it yourself
  2. Move the jar to the config\jsMacros\LanguageExtensions subfolder of your Minecraft directory

For MacOS (probably also linux)

this tutorial is slightly technical, but if you know how to code; you are probably fine

Requirements: Python 3.8+ is installed, Knowlege of how to use a terminal
In some of the paths in this tutorial, i have used an X to represent the part of the python version, this will defer depending on what version of python you use, i have been using python 3.12
  1. Create and enter a virtual enviroment somewhere in your minecraft instance root (.minecraft folder)
    execute $ python3 -m venv . in your instance root to make your instance root the virtual enviroment, then to activate it if it is in your instance root, use $ ./bin/activate
  2. do python3 -m pip install jep
  3. direct jsmacros to the jep executeable, it is in the ./lib/python3.X/jep/ folder, it should be named something like jep.cpython-3X-darwin.so on macos
    this can be done in the JEP tab of the jsmacros settings. it will not imediately replace the path in the field, you have to close and reopen the settings ui first

For Windows:

  1. Install the newest version of Visual C++ Build Tools
  2. Launch the developer command prompt, and run pip install -U jep.
  3. Copy the DLL from Python38\Lib\site-packages\jep\jep.dll to the root of your minecraft directory


If you want to put jep.dll anywhere besides the root of your Minecraft directory, Set the relative path for the file in .minecraft/config/jsMacros/options.json at the jep.path key


  • Make sure you put python and pip in your path when installing.
  • To get your site-packages directory location, run: python -m site --user-site

Visual C++ Build Tools

  • Make sure to select Desktop development with C++ when you install the build tools


  • language spec requires that only one thread can hold an instance of the language at a time, so this implementation uses a non-preemptive priority queue for the threads that call the resulting MethodWrapper.