Json Things

Json Things


Json Things

A mod all about json files.


Json Things adds a new kind of pack format: Thing Packs.

This is similar to resource packs and datapacks, but it lets you define things that are only able to be defined during game load. Because of that, Thing Packs cannot be added per save, or reloaded ingame.

To help have a consistent Thing Pack experience, the thing packs also double down as both resource packs and datapacks. Any pack in the thingpacks folder that has been enabled in the config will be included in the list of resourcepacks and datapacks.

Yes, this means Json Things also behaves as a global datapack system.

How do I install a thingpack?

Easy! Just drop it in the thingpacks directory of your installation, or drop it in the Json Things config screen!

How do I make a thingpack?

Thingpacks contain a things directory, similar to assets and data, which contains definitionsfor things.

See the Introduction section of the documentation for more details.