- 1
Track recipe burn times separately
#21 opened by Commoble - 1
[Bug] Adding item(s) to be smelted with Orthodimensional Hyperfurnace can consume less fuel
#14 opened by Alzarath - 1
Instructions not clear
#15 opened by ShockedCoder - 2
[Suggestion] Jumno furnace - 18.2 please
#17 opened by DragonGirl7567 - 1
Recipe performance improvements
#19 opened by Commoble - 0
[1.20.1] Smelting with fully upgraded Jumbo Furnace turns 9 pieces of whatever is smelted into 576 pieces.
#20 opened by Gbergz - 3
Changing burn time then reloading the world stops the furnace from working.
#22 opened by clarence112 - 0
Broken tag on recipe for NeoForge
#23 opened by ModernGamingWorld - 2
[BUG 1192] tag count / results
#24 opened by 2929762171 - 1
[bug 1192] fuel cost
#25 opened by 2929762171 - 1
[bug] Jumbo furnace doesnt keep JDT fuel canister in fuel slot
#26 opened by BamsTheSergal - 1
JEI Recipes are glitched
#27 opened by PinkLasagna03 - 1
Missing textures
#28 opened by wolfieboy09 - 0
Shift click 'fuel items' into the top slot when the fuel slots are full. such as cooking logs into charcoal
#29 opened by Lothrazar - 3
Tickrate problem
#30 opened by PatriotCZ - 1
Jumbo Smelting recipes should allow multiple results
#1 opened by Commoble - 1
Config to change blocks forming the multiblock?
#2 opened by bloche1871 - 6
[duplication] When multiple smelting is enabled
#3 opened by kreezxil - 1
ortho furnace
#4 opened by flamingram - 1
#5 opened by Rithenar - 4
Furnace input items disappearing, significant loss in items smelted.
#6 opened by Andr0oS - 2
[Bug] furnace drops item if output full instead to stop
#7 opened by 4Magma - 0
[Suggestion] additional boni for Ortho Upgrades
#8 opened by 4Magma - 1
Make hyperfurnace's purpose more obvious
#9 opened by Commoble - 0
- 1
[Suggestion] Allow empty buckets to output through the bottom output slot
#11 opened by DrUltraLux - 4
Here is a new issue if you want to work on it
#12 opened by Ninezel