Hi there, I made this small mod when I was bored. It has some random stuff I thought about making. This is/was me basically trying to learn how to make a custom mod.
1. Ruby
2. Ruby Ore
3. Ruby block
4. Ruby Armour
5. Ruby Tools
6. Molten Iron Ingot
7. Molten Gold Ingot.
8. Stick Mould
9. Iron Stick
Crafting recipes:
1. Ruby block - 9 rubies in a crafting table grid
2. Ruby - 1 Ruby block in a crafting grid
3. Ruby Armour - It's the same recipe as the other armour
4. Ruby tools - It's the same as the other tools however it requires iron sticks instead of normal sticks
5. Molten Iron Ingot - Melt an iron ingot in a furnace
6. Molten Gold Ingot - Melt a golden ingot in a furnace
7. Stick Mould - Surround a stick with molten gold ingots
8. Iron stick - Combine a molten iron ingot with a stick mould.
Ruby ore info:
It spawns in a vein of 1-3
It spawns above Y=4
It spawns below Y=12
The most common Y level to find it is 8
It drops 1 ruby, this is not affected by fortune!
It is slightly more rare to find than diamonds.
More info:
The ruby armor and tools are better than diamond armor/tools.