Just Walls

Just Walls


This mod is inspired by Rust, adding decorative multiblock structures with building style and tier system from the game Rust that enhances role play aspects of the game.

This mod adds multiblock structures for players to decorate or use as part of their role play experience.

These multiblock strucutres have the following features:

  • Different structure types such as: wall, floor, hatch, pillar, window, window frame, door, door frame
  • Structures have different tiers: hatch, wood, stone, metal, armored
  • Higher tiers have high blast resistance and slower mining speed. perfect for a base against raids
  • Multiblocks places as one, and breaks as one.
  • Structures can constructed and upgraded using super hammer with a radial menu

This mod also supports:

TACZ Interactions:

  • Multiblocks can take damage from bullets from TACZ. Damage is determined by the bullet and distance as you would with target dummies.
  • HP of the blocks are determined by their resistance level x 10. 
  • Supports a white-list of blocks that can be destroied

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Screenshot 2024-08-26 002028.png