K-Turrets [Fabric]

K-Turrets [Fabric]


K-Turrets add 6 types of turrets and 6 types of drones. Turrets attack potentially hostile mobs by default, but they can be configured to attack any mob type. Drones act like turrets, but are mobile and able to follow their owner.

To get started, you must obtain raw titanium from titanium ore and smelt it in the blast furnace to get titanium ingots. Then you can craft turrets and drones, their recipes have following patterns:

a dispenser, 6 titanium ingots and type-specific ingredients on the side;

a dispenser, 4 titanium ingots, 2 feathers and type-specific ingredients on the side:

First thing to do when you place a turret or drone is to claim it. It is done via a UI that is opened by Shift + right-clicking on the drone/turret:

In this screen on the left are listed all target entity types. You can add  new targets by typing their ids in the text field. There is a button for clearing this list and resetting it to default values. Another button toggles turret/drone mobility, which determines whether it is pushable. To remove targets, press corresponding buttons - they will appear crossed out, and when you close the screen, they will be removed. To enable protection from alien players, add "minecraft:player" to the targets and toggle "Not protecting from alien players" button. Turrets/drones take into account Minecraft team system and will then attack players who are not on your team. Button "Dismantle" will dismantle the turret/drone, dropping it in item form (its data will be saved on the item and will load when you replace it). Drones have a toggle button which controls whether they are following their owner.

You can add specific players to target exceptions by typing in player name prefixed by exclamation mark. Such exceptions will appear at the top of the target list.

Right-click a turret or drone to access its inventory, where you can load it with appropriate ammo.

You can repair a drone/turret by Shift + right-clicking it with titanium ingot. Turrets recover 1/6 of health from one ingot, and drones - 1/4.

Turret health, armor, damage, range, and fire delay can be configured for each turret type. Drone stats are derived from respective turret's stats.

There are following types of turrets and drones:

Cobble. They use items under "stone_tool_materials" as ammo.

Arrow. They can use all types of arrow as ammo, and need a bow or crossbow to function. Crossbow adds 20% to damage. Flame, punch and power enchantments are applicable.

Fireball. They use explosive powder as ammo, which is crafted from blaze powder and gunpowder; immune to fire and do not attack fire-immune mobs.

Bullet. These use iron and gold nuggets as ammo. Iron bullets deal more damage.

Brick. These use bricks and nether bricks as ammo. Nether bricks deal more damage.

Gauss. These use gauss bullets as ammo.

When on a server, this mod have limits of turrets and drones per player. Default values are 50 turrets and 30 drones.

Detailed overview (contains latest information).