Kadwin Jurassic Park Vehicles Pack [MTS/IV]

Kadwin Jurassic Park Vehicles Pack [MTS/IV]


This pack contains some of the vehicles seen in the Jurassic Park franchise.

Currently, this pack contains the following 3 cars :

  • The Jeep Wrangler Hunter (aka the jeep of Peter Ludlow during the hunt).
  •  Another Jeep Wrangler Hunter with a solid roof.
  • The Jeep Wrangler Net Trapper (from hunters Dieter Stark and Carter).

it's contain also the RV from The Lost World Jurassic Park made with screenshots from the movie.

Two unimogs 1300u, one with a lift and one with a double cabine, and  the caviga canyon 500 used by the hunters.

Now, this pack feature it's first boat with the Ingen Barge from jurassic park 3 !

The three jeeps, the unimogs and the bike come with the classic Sorna skin and a Jurassic World skin

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You can use my cars in your modpack as long as you credit me. (Please do not distribute this pack without my approval).
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