(This mod was made in under 10 minutes (including modeling, sound design, and texturing))
Mother: This kitchen is so hard to clean! If only there was an easier way...
Derek Bum: Hi I'm Derek Bum, say goodbye to daily stains and dirty surfaces with new Kitchen Gun!
Derek Bum: This sink is filthy, but just 3 shots from Kitchen Gun, BANG BANG BANG!
Derek Bum: And it sparkles like new!
Derek Bum: Look how it cleans this greasy hob, BANG BANG BANG!
Derek Bum: Goodbye dirt!
Derek Bum: Grubby tiles, BANG BANG BANG!
Derek Bum: I love you Kitchen Gun! *kisses gun*
Derek Bum: Rusty taps, BANG BANG BANG!
Derek Bum: *Laughs hysterically*
Derek Bum: You can even use it on the washing up! BANG BANG BANG!
Derek Bum: There, all clean again!
Derek Bum: New Kitchen Gun, now with laser sight and night vision for after dark cleaning.