Koopa's Critters

Koopa's Critters

New Paintings!

New Paintings!

California Quail (1.12 Design)

California Quail (1.12 Design)

Indian Bullfrog (1.16)

Indian Bullfrog (1.16)

Kopje Woodtype

Kopje Woodtype

Helmeted Guineafowl (1.12 design)

Helmeted Guineafowl (1.12 design)

Emerald Toucanet (1.16)

Emerald Toucanet (1.16)

Matschie's Tree Kangaroo (1.16)

Matschie's Tree Kangaroo (1.16)

Giant African Land Snail

Giant African Land Snail

The New Items / Drops in V1.5

The New Items / Drops in V1.5

Organic Salt, Crate of Salt, Raw Snail, Escargot, Bubble Blower, Penguin Boots, Butter, and Penguin Feathers
Yangtze Giant Softshell

Yangtze Giant Softshell

Aardwolf with Termite Mounds

Aardwolf with Termite Mounds

Rosy Boa (1.16 design)

Rosy Boa (1.16 design)

Every Animal for 1.16.5 (OUTDATED)

Every Animal for 1.16.5 (OUTDATED)



All Animals in 1.12

All Animals in 1.12

King Eider

King Eider

Salt Sneeze

Salt Sneeze

When right clicked with feathers, you can make Pink Lang Iguanas and Crocodile Lizards can sneeze out salt. This Salt can be used to damage soft-bodied animals like frogs, snails, and undead mobs. CLICK TO SEE GIF
African Serval (1.12 design)

African Serval (1.12 design)

Kopje Fig Trees (1.16)

Kopje Fig Trees (1.16)

South Island Takahe

South Island Takahe

