KMT(Krakacz's more things) is a mod where i was supposed to make people's ideas but i got my ideas so i made some of mine like Blazerite also known as blaze crystal ore and it has use to upgrade netherite tools and obsidian but its super rare in the nether and it looks like a new gold ore but it isnt,best way to get it is just digging entire chunks or being lucky
New "Blazerite tools" - better versions of netherite tools
New "Blazerite Armor" - better version of netherite armor
New "Blaze crystal ore" - ore to get Blaze crystal
New "Blaze crystal" - with that you can connect it with netherite ingot and get:
New "Blazed netherite ingot" -with that you can upgrade Netherite tools and armor to Blazerite or blazed netherite stuff
New "reinforced obsidian" - Stronger obsidian (connect blazerite ingot and obsidian in crafting table)
Blaze crystal is a corpse of ancient blaze-like creatures
Latest Version - Beta 1.0.0
Give me your ideas !