- 0
swingArm() does not work
#218 opened by ChiefArug - 4
Fabric 1.18 - Adding smelting recipes with xp does not give xp
#232 opened by Spirevipp - 2
[1.18] Crash | the game closes without generating logs
#226 opened by viminio - 1
[Feature Request] Add support for modifying advancements
#227 opened by ozokuz - 1
Latest Fabric 1.18 KubeJS update breaks events
#229 opened by itsdinkd - 3
crash during client launch
#228 opened by thevortex - 1
BlockBuilder .texture(Direction, String) ambiguity with .texture(String, String)
#230 opened by Spiker985 - 1
event.attack seems not work in 1.18 fabric (kubejs-fabric-1800.4.0-build.223)
#231 opened by biryeongtrain - 1
Validate tag names
#220 opened by BobVarioa - 2
thermal.smelter not respecting NBT
#221 opened by TemperedFool - 4
(fabric) crash with iris and konkrete
#225 opened by Chuunkyz - 1
Crash with Create. "KubeJS has not been initialized, this won't happen unless some OTHER mod failed to load first! "
#251 opened by Chrisjohnson57387 - 1
Modrinth Support
#244 opened by Ecorous - 2
[Forge 1.18.1] editing/adding tags (any type) doesn't work
#246 opened by freopt - 1
Crash on client launch
#245 opened by UnseenAcademical - 0
Custom Compostables require a full restart to un-add themselves
#247 opened by ChiefArug - 2
Modifying existing items doesn't work sometimes
#248 opened by esilaanawic - 4
Please,Can you give some example templates?
#250 opened by blood789 - 1
[1.18] Setting harvest tool for blocks doesn't use new tags
#249 opened by esilaanawic - 2
Fabric 1.18 - Custom fluids error
#233 opened by NotSoEpic - 1
Mod ores not removing
#234 opened by Shockks - 6
Fabric 1.18 infinite load.
#237 opened by ChubbsWasTaken - 3
Custom Ingredients not working on Fabric
#239 opened by Vaelzan - 2
Add handle for top level files
#241 opened by TiphaineLAURENT - 1
BlockContainerJS getInventory errors Fabric 1.18
#242 opened by TheQKnight - 1
[KubeJS Create] [Forge] [1.16.5] createMilling adds milling and crushing recipes.
#243 opened by chybl - 1
1.18.1 Creating crafting recipes that require nbt is completely broken
#252 opened by TheQKnight - 1
Is there a way to modify the hardness of the block?
#253 opened by blood789 - 3
kubejs and betternether / better end ore issue
#255 opened by rbroderi - 2
【BUG】The game crashes.
#256 opened by blood789 - 3
Forge 1.18.1 Can't find method BlockRegistryEventJS.create(string)
#258 opened by igentuman - 1
world.explosion.pre & dont work 1.18.1 271
#257 opened by TheQKnight - 2
Add a warning/error when an unrecognized event is used in onEvent
#259 opened by ChiefArug - 2
Issue when trying to launch server. (ATMS)
#260 opened by saintkd - 2
Entity creation duplicates entities - 1.18.1
#261 opened by TheQKnight - 2
.getInventory() breaks in 1.18
#263 opened by Qualia765 - 0
Crash report 1.16.5 (Fabric)
#264 opened by Narcos542 - 3
【BUG】New items cannot load textures
#265 opened by blood789 - 2
Add .getAllItems() in tag event
#266 opened by iglee42 - 5
KubeJS just crashes
#268 opened by tebbbi - 0
[1.18] Regex support for .removeAllTagsFrom()
#267 opened by mosharky - 1
Add fluid without bucket and block
#269 opened by khjxiaogu - 0
getBlockLight and getSkyLight functions in BlockContainerJS
#270 opened by floral-qua-floral - 4
Persistent data fails to save strings from event getters/functions
#271 opened by floral-qua-floral - 2
I cannot get stonecutting recipes to work.
#272 opened by damianjoakes - 7
Player speed cannot be changed.
#273 opened by The-Arcanian - 1
Tooltip issue with nbt
#276 opened by OfficialZygorg - 2
[Bug]: Server Scripts Not Loading
#278 opened by GW-Dev - 4
[1.18] removing tags doesnt work
#277 opened by Chuunkyz - 1
[suggestion] option to load assets before or after resource packs
#279 opened by superon