- 0
Idea/Suggestion: KubeJS "packs"
#360 opened by artemisSystem - 1
Setting player position to NaN causes a crash/hang and corrupts world
#351 opened by bcodegard - 0
CC turtles are treated as actual players rather than fake players
#352 opened by ChiefArug - 0
Class x is not allowed error is not always correct
#353 opened by ChiefArug - 0
textureAll does not work with Shaped block types like slabs
#354 opened by ChiefArug - 1
Recipes from "Assembly Line Machines" break when making a Kubejs script that removes a single recipe.
#357 opened by LoSilopante - 0
Calling ItemStackJS.getItem on certain item stacks will break the code on server
#361 opened by Prunoideae - 2
Added shapeless recipes do not respect input items nbt
#362 opened by zigman32 - 2
Item types other than basic not working
#363 opened by Extremer908 - 2
[question] Dumping items, blocks etc (Couldn't find it if it's there)
#364 opened by netcore10 - 0
Ambiguous method getPlayer in ServerJS
#367 opened by enigmaquip - 0
Newest Release is crashing my client
#365 opened by TheButterbrotMan - 4
More block state options
#366 opened by Qualia765 - 12
Failing to save player data on server
#369 opened by TheQKnight - 1
Need a wiki of 1.12.2
#371 opened by lihugang - 2
Issue with /reload
#373 opened by Thepigcat76 - 4
Recipes do not work, but other server scripts do
#374 opened by SylvanusPC - 3
Crash on startup on Fabric
#375 opened by Vapaman - 0
Effect registry doesnt auto generate the display name if not provided
#378 opened by ChiefArug - 0
Reloading textures while an atlas_texture painter object is on screen causes the game to crash.
#377 opened by ChiefArug - 1
Custom blocks that can be placed in layers, like snow
#381 opened by Kasran - 0
Add PlayerJS.foodSaturationLevel as well as player.foodLevel
#403 opened by NatSquared - 0
[Bug Report] NBT Ingredient Predicate No Longer Needed, but Check is Still In Place
#404 opened by GamingInfinite - 5
[1.18] Bug: Container Items are stacked in KubeJS recipes
#405 opened by cech12 - 7
replaceIngredients doesn't work server side only
#406 opened by jjjuk - 1
recipe replaceOutput when original is multiple items
#383 opened by BrewingCoder - 9
on click 1.19
#384 opened by Joshernoob - 3
Can't register more than one block (Fixed)
#387 opened by Tetrati0n - 0
Item modification got fired each time when server in SinglePlayer starts up
#388 opened by Prunoideae - 6
Whenever chat is cancelled, the player chats a weird string
#385 opened by TheQKnight - 4
[1.18.2] runCommandSilent seems to no longer works updating from 467 to 492
#389 opened by Raidobw2 - 0
KubeJS breaks all Malum Recipes
#390 opened by egelja - 8
JsonIO does not support non-map top level objects
#392 opened by Dakedres - 0
Config feature - Disable recipe modification
#393 opened by TheQKnight - 1
Using Chest modify loot table method creates a new loot table.
#394 opened by FloridaMen - 4
Problem with the number provider class?
#395 opened by TheButterbrotMan - 2
Can't lock recipes behind stage
#396 opened by lamaprogramer - 0
clickEventOf does not work with maps.
#400 opened by ChiefArug - 1
Custom Block Item Properties are not applied
#401 opened by LeftChaotix - 7
stats.get/set/add don't work
#402 opened by kaliflowerx3 - 2
Missing TechReborn Industrial Sawmill, probably typo w/ grinder
#417 opened by rehv - 2
【BUG】Can not change "Block Modification" requiredTool
#418 opened by blood789 - 2
Additional per item/block functions: block break and item right click
#409 opened by Raidobw2 - 2
make a thing that copy recipe ID made by kubejs
#410 opened by Leclowndu93150 - 0
After updated to build.463 the furnace change doesn't work.
#411 opened by AngleNaris - 1
KubeJS recipe errors due to tags not being loaded on initial worldgen using Terraforged
#412 opened by mobliano - 0
Any support for randomTick function for block.modification?
#413 opened by qoorur - 1
Error occurred while handling event 'tags.items'
#414 opened by jbwincek - 1
The game cannot be started
#415 opened by Epresin - 1
Incompatible with BCLib + Nullscape
#416 opened by Treetrain1