For best effect, please eat rotten flesh.
For extra best effect, please install the Mythology Origins pack alongside this one, as this pack will probably turn itself inside out trying to start up without it.
Adds a single origin based off the Vozhd.
+ Die three times before being put down for good.
+ Full armor bar by default.
+ 20 hearts.
+ Strength is also multiplied by 4 degrees.
- Unfortunately, because you are a Vozhd, you are ugly. Villagers just won't have you.
- And because you are a Vozhd, you are always starving.
- And because your limbs are gnarled and disproportionate... tough luck if you like your shields, because you won't be able to hold them.
- And the only thing you ever seem to hunger for is meat.
I'll probably revise it in the future. For now, though...
This is a mod exclusively for personal use, but if you want to use it, go off. Do forgive the game-breaking aspects of it-- we prioritized storytelling over actual balance. Thanks.