Lakotnik - Hunger Preview

Lakotnik - Hunger Preview


Lakotnik - Hunger Preview

A hunger preview mod for Minecraft, working serverside only.


Every player with permission lakotnik.hunger_preview can see how much nutrition will the selected food provide (granted by default).

Supported loaders



#Lakotnik Config

# Update rate in ticks.
# Whether to enable on low hunger (<= 6.0)
# Causes minor problems as client will think it can
# sprint. If you don't care about that, feel free to enable.

Why can enable_on_low_hunger be problematic? Sprinting is managed on client - if you hold a food item in your hand and not have enough hunger points to sprint, you will still be able to sprint in intervals when your hunger bar is in preview mode.


Do you want to host a server and further support Lakotnik? You can do both when using ApexHosting. Click the image below! alt