LAN Extender

LAN Extender


LAN Extender: The world connector

LAN Extender: Turn your LAN worlds into fully-fledged servers, for free.

LAN Extender makes it easy for you to share your Minecraft worlds with your friends – even if they're connected to a different router!


LAN Extender is a Fabric mod. Put the LAN Extender jar-file in the mods folder in your game directory. You must have Mod Menu, Fabric API, and Cloth Config API (make sure to download the fabric version) installed alongside LAN Extender.


LAN Extender requires an ngrok account to function. Click here to sign up. After you sign up, ngrok will send you an email asking you to verify your email address. I'd recommend doing this, but it's not neccesary for the mod to work. After you've logged in, you should see the page pictured below. Click on "Your Authtoken" – there is no need to download or install ngrok.

Use the sidebar to access your authtoken

Then, copy the authtoken, and paste it into the LAN Extender configuration screen.

Copy the authtoken Open LAN Extender configuration Paste the authtoken

Please note that the authtoken pictured in this guide will not work if you try to use it. You need to create and use your own. Also, if you accidentally leak your authtoken, you can return to the website above to reset it.


Once you're in the world you want others to be able to join, click Open to LAN in the game menu and click the checkbox to allow people connected to a different router to join. If the checkbox is missing, you need to follow the setup guide above.

Click the checkbox View the address in chat

Anyone who you share the address with can join your world like a normal multiplayer server.

Join the LAN world using Direct Connect