Laser Mod

Laser Mod

RayTracing Lasers

RayTracing Lasers

Customizable Tools

Customizable Tools



HoloProjector - Text 'Commands'

HoloProjector - Text 'Commands'

The Holo Projector has text commands like: {Player} = displays the player name (for client side) {Hunger} = displays the hunger bars in value's {Health} = displays the health in value's
Different Laser Modes

Different Laser Modes

this is the second of three laser modes, but it is for now only visual, I hope to add something special for the Powered Laser Mode
RayTracing Lasers

RayTracing Lasers

HoloProjector - Item Mode

HoloProjector - Item Mode

HoloProjector - Text Mode

HoloProjector - Text Mode

Laser Tools

Laser Tools

Laser Catcher

Laser Catcher

 Colorable Lasers!

Colorable Lasers!

Different types of lasers

Different types of lasers