Lativators is a small mod to aid close range teleporting from point A to point B in a straight line.
For people who just want to get there quicker, hidden base entrances, or for some fun puzzle making.
To teleport; just stand on the point A block, face the direction of the point B block, and sneak.
The teleporting scans for a block of the same type in the direction the player is facing, at the same height, and will teleport the player.
There is a config file so players have the option to use most normal blocks as a teleport enabled block.
Also included in the config is a setting for the max range of connecting teleport enabled blocks.
Config Syntax for adding blocks is: "modname:blockname"
eg: "lativators:lativator", "minecraft:cobblestone"
Teleport enabled blocks will work through walls, but not if a block is directly above the destination block.
You can add several types of block, which can be used to construct fun puzzles and hidden entrances.
Included in the mod is a single block - it doesn't do anything special, but acts as a default lativator block.
Lativator Block Recipe
Quartz, Iron Ingots, Ender Pearl and Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate