Lava Bucket: Bending of the Fire

Lava Bucket: Bending of the Fire


Greetings, ladies and gentlemen and everyone else, I present to you the solution to all your problems;


After centuries of trying hard to understand and figure out the sorcery behind Lava Buckets, I finally did it;

Finally a way to get Lava in your Skyblock map;

This simple mod allows the player to craft their way to get Lava;

Here is a list of stuff this mod do;


    -add a new item, Stone Bucket;

    -add a new Crafting recipe to make a Stone Bucket;

    -add a new Blasting recipe to turn the Stone Bucket into a Lava Bucket;

That's it, nothing crazy;

The Blasting time to make a Lava Bucket is 24k ticks, now some of you might be wondering why that is the case, it is because a Lava Bucket can power a Furnace for 20K ticks, so it would have been otherwise possible to use a crafted Lava Bucket to make more Lava Buckets, which would have made no sense;


(more images in the "Image" tab)

Please keep in mind:

    -this mod was created for my Skyblock Modpack, it might not be ideal in a regular game where Lava can be easily obtained;

Make sure you check out My Other Mods, I'm sure you'll find them useful!