- 1
<Suggestion> More frequent music
#73 opened by AgentMindStorm - 1
Elytra sneaking pose arm position inaccurate
#72 opened by AgentMindStorm - 1
hints being rendered on screen cause massive frame drops on low end machines (Fabric 1.20.4)
#71 opened by AnukWarrior - 2
hud gets smaller with do a barrel roll mod
#70 opened by BestChoripans - 1
"Force-close-loading-screen" mod causes crash on startup with legacy4j (Fabric 1.20.4)
#69 opened by AnukWarrior - 1
Atempting to save with the c2me mod causes crash (fabric 1.20.4)
#68 opened by AnukWarrior - 1
Picking up an item that goes into the extended inventory (not the hotbar) in Creative adds item to Creative menu
#67 opened by AgentMindStorm - 2
<Suggestion> Retake world icon every time the world is exited with "Exit and Save"
#66 opened by AgentMindStorm - 5
<Contribution> UI Sounds, Horse Ambient Sound, Skeleton Sounds, Levelup Sound, Cat Music Disc Easter Egg
#65 opened by AgentMindStorm - 1
<Contribution> Add Pink End Crystal Beams from Legacy
#64 opened by AgentMindStorm - 2
<Suggestion> Add thicker Legacy fog
#63 opened by AgentMindStorm - 5
<Suggestion> Hotbar Size setting separate from GUI Scale
#62 opened by AgentMindStorm - 3
<Suggestion> Improved Resource Packs Screen
#61 opened by AgentMindStorm - 2
<Suggestion> Logical Game Rule Order
#60 opened by AgentMindStorm - 4
biome_overrides.json water color and transparency are ignored when Sodium mod is installed
#59 opened by AgentMindStorm - 4
[Contribution] Replace Mojang Loading Screen
#58 opened by Quartzmaven - 0
Incompatible with FancyMenu v3.0
#57 opened by Quartzmaven - 1
There's a character limit when typing the server address.
#56 opened by Quartzmaven - 3
(Some Bugs!) Check Below!
#55 opened by SpringDoesStuff - 4
(Question) Do you plan on making a discord server for this mod?
#54 opened by DanielMC101 - 5
Water transparency setting does not work correctly
#53 opened by AgentMindStorm - 1
Legacy water colors do not apply in-game by default
#52 opened by AgentMindStorm - 3
The map is very small.
#51 opened by Quartzmaven - 2
How to use Tips and Biome overrides?
#50 opened by Quartzmaven - 4
Add legacy console skin menu and minigames
#49 opened by SirLuca100 - 9
<Contribution-Updated for 1.3.2> Simple Console Aspects packs to include as optional resource packs
#48 opened by AgentMindStorm - 3
tips.json is not reloaded with resource packs
#47 opened by AgentMindStorm - 1
Pressing number keys on Creative hotbar slots causes undefined behaviors
#46 opened by AgentMindStorm - 1
Turtle Egg missing from Miscellaneous tab
#45 opened by AgentMindStorm - 5
Vanilla recipe book is smaller than inventory
#44 opened by contrarybaton60 - 1
Actionbar is not moved with the hotbar
#43 opened by DBTDerpbox - 1
Getting kicked from singleplayer loads vanilla multiplayer menu
#42 opened by DBTDerpbox - 0
Missing enchanted books in Creative menu
#41 opened by AgentMindStorm - 3
<Contribution> Legacy-style Gamerule Names and Descriptions
#40 opened by AgentMindStorm - 1
Crosshair gets inverted when switching items or blocks then it goes back to white after a few seconds.
#39 opened by Quartzmaven - 1
<Suggestion> Add sound settings to disable Cave Sounds and Minecart Sounds
#38 opened by AgentMindStorm - 2
<Suggestion> Add Legacy water colors for water, flowing water, and underwater fog
#37 opened by AgentMindStorm - 1
<Suggestion> Disable vignette by default, with option to re-enable
#36 opened by AgentMindStorm - 3
Main Menu Panorama Scroll Speed Inaccurate
#35 opened by AgentMindStorm - 9
Game Fails to Launch When Loaded With Certain Optimization Mods
#34 opened by AgentMindStorm - 1
White inventory slot hover overlay layer is incorrect
#33 opened by AgentMindStorm - 1
Open to Internet cannot be configured after world creation
#32 opened by AgentMindStorm - 1
Renamed Item Text Miscolored
#31 opened by AgentMindStorm - 2
I've noticed that there's like 6 missing enchantment books from the legacy console creative menu.
#30 opened by DanielMC101 - 1
Main Menu Panorama Stretched
#29 opened by AgentMindStorm - 1
Hints incorrectly categorized as "In-Game Tooltips"
#28 opened by AgentMindStorm - 1
Feature Request - Vanilla Java Creative Mode Tabs as a toggle instead
#27 opened by Chilly-roll - 1
My suggestions for this mod
#26 opened by DanielMC101 - 1
Implement tags and description resources
#25 opened by Pedro270707 - 3
How do I get the rename and delete options?
#24 opened by Quartzmaven