legendary kings

legendary kings


This mode is used to add the aunt take three boss and two monsters
Then, let's look under that you will need to upgrade Bosureru opponent Hull Lloret Myung knife and armor will become necessary general diamond set and a knife is not
Pecious diamond sword comes out damage in combination as described below is also the 27

Helmet upgrade

Upgrade of armor

Leggings upgrade

Boots upgrade

And let's examine the boss made of all equipment

the first boss, is Lord of is you do occur so creeper status stamina 375 and the defense force 20 attack power and have a quick buff is 15, can be summoned to Lord of · creeper sponge tool you
Lord of Kuripo can summon a creeper with a certain probability, it will blow up with a certain probability
When you put this to Lord of · creeper Soul to kill the Lord of · creeper will come out on the combination table, comes out 64 creeper Soul

The second boss, the King of the wizard is the physical strength is 650, is an attack force 19 defense force 14
You can summon the same to the king of the wizard spawn tool

King of the wizard can summon the thunder, you summon Ender Man and skeleton with a certain probability

King of the wizard King of the kill the wizard soul comes comes out soul64 pieces wizard this combination and to come out

The third boss, not the King of the is the Warrior is the most powerful boss in three boss naturally spawn, because the direct spawn there, it is recommended that you spawn

King Of The Warrior has a defense force of attack power 22 of the physical strength of 27 to 261

In addition, it takes power buff and resistance buff with a certain probability by the strength recovery

It is also a warrior and Assassin load also spawn
Warriors are wearing armor of diamond, more a lot of it is 50 strength of the offensive power of 12

Assassin is wearing a leather armor of physical strength to 40, it will blow transparent to attack power of 10

Kill the King of the warrior came out King of the Warrior Soul, and put this in combination stand, warrior Soul will come 64 out with

You can make the armor in the warrior soul creeper soul wizard soul, but generally armor union wear a wizard costume that was created in a good wizard soul if made in the above material to thunder has been made in the hit in yo creeper soul armor take quick 3 and recovery 3 to bring the King of the Warrior armor made of the wear and physical strength recovery 3-consuming worrior soul

When the boom boom boom release the x's Kuripo soul to make in Kuripo soul to damage 15, when you hang and right click, it has exploded

Magic staff will release the Ender Pearl under the Blaze Bar in the wizard Seoul to the top in the \ form, is created, thunder you are when you right-click

heavy and sharp sword will release the Blaze rod to warrior Seoul handle portion Gomunaru the sword union, if you right-click cormorant is created, the damage that the explosion is 27