- 0
farmers barely farm 1.20.1
#127 opened by dull4h4n - 2
Villager lagging
#116 opened by Nikev2 - 1
Crashes on server Fabric 1.20.2
#117 opened by Purple1222119 - 0
Villagers are stucking in leaves
#118 opened by SettingDust - 0
golems do not attack the player, regardless of whether the "Golemsdontattackplayer" option is disabled.
#119 opened by Mesaya1 - 1
Crash with 1.20.4
#121 opened by Spiderach - 3
Love the mod but not option to disable teleporting?
#120 opened by lumagatto - 1
Iron golem lagging for finding POI
#123 opened by SettingDust - 0
Request adaptation with 1.20.1mca
#122 opened by ZHEAIss - 0
Version Request
#124 opened by CzechVhrsaler - 0
(Request) 1.20.4 update?
#126 opened by vlad8599 - 2
The mod not lagging in dense areas
#125 opened by Nikev2 - 2
When there aren't enough beds in a village, villagers would rather die instead of going into the safe indoors
#89 opened by Timolino456 - 3
Compatibility with MCA reborn
#90 opened by garnell - 1
Butchers should slaughter animals and cook raw food
#91 opened by garnell - 6
Villagers don't approach to pick up foods
#94 opened by kuguo123 - 7
Stuck Villager Wandering Fix can make Villagers teleport out of their cages/houses you made for them.
#95 opened by ConqAra - 2
Villagers have trouble pathfinding through carpet
#97 opened by gitsh01 - 0
Barrel tags breaking Item Vault recipe for Create mod
#98 opened by Daniel366Cobra - 2
Server crashes while trying to spawn a villager
#99 opened by sssehnsuchttt - 1
Villager Profession features do not work with MCA Reborn villagers
#100 opened by SlySamurai420 - 0
[Enhancment] Villagers quests system
#103 opened by Traktool - 1
(1.19.4) Ticking Entity Crash when approaching Village/Villager with 'Enable villager Brain Console Debug' = YES (Default)
#104 opened by Tursiops-G - 0
[Enhancement] - Option to select position of Villager Info Overlay (on Upper Left OR Upper right corner of screen)
#105 opened by Tursiops-G - 1
Possible mod conflicts
#107 opened by Ultimushadow - 2
1.20 update
#108 opened by Ultimushadow - 0
if your iron farm does not work with this mod
#109 opened by Ruganaskel - 0
[Request] Maximum range from workbench
#110 opened by ZsoltMolnarrr - 2
Kills server
#111 opened by rhewtani - 2
Game doesn't open on forge
#112 opened by vitorabdias - 0
[bug] Villagers continuously walk in and out of custom houses, and do not seem to go to their workstations
#113 opened by BitinAnty - 0
"villagersetpoi" command does not work for any colored beds
#114 opened by ZBot9000 - 2
Request a new version
#115 opened by SadEPa0628 - 0
1.19.2 Forge Port
#128 opened by dalekfan - 0
raids seem to have different requirements to start compared to vanilla, unsure if it's intended or a bug
#129 opened by solarizer0 - 0
[Bug] Conflict With Touhou Little Maid Mod
#130 opened by serioos - 8
Ver. 1.0.15 is flagged for 1.20.1 Fabric but is built against Java 21
#134 opened by Hexblood - 2
Start crash
#133 opened by zc1108aaa - 1
setpoi is not working for beds
#136 opened by volduck - 0
[Request] Make villagers go (and stay) indoors during rain/storms/both
#137 opened by HatTrkPatrk - 1
Fabric Versioning Issue on Modrinth
#138 opened by intothebeans - 1
wrong supported version on modrinth
#139 opened by maevius669 - 2
Latest 1.20.1 version crashes the game
#140 opened by Mortycio - 0
Villager can't pathfind with connectiblechains mod, it sees it as air.
#141 opened by Psychodeus - 0
[Feature] Make the mod config accesible with forge configuration mods.
#142 opened by MiloMiko - 0
thank you for making this mod
#144 opened by thelegitdolt - 1
Villager Scheduler Idea: Assign Beds, Workspaces, and Daily Routines to Vanilla Villagers
#143 opened by rafaelkb - 0
[Request] Option for bedrock pathfinding.
#146 opened by X66Herobrine66X - 0
[Request] Commands to assign beds, workstations, etc.
#147 opened by X66Herobrine66X - 0
Does not work in 1.21.4
#148 opened by Trey-Benanti