Lightman's Currency

Lightman's Currency


BUG: Config doesn't generate default mob & chest loot entries.

Denis0819 opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Minecraft Version


Forge Version


Lightman's Currency Version

Environment Type

Dedicated Server (Bug/crash happened while connected to a server or while the dedicated server was booting)

Other relevant Mods

No response

Describe the bug

You don`t get coins whe kiling mobs single-player and on servers

To Reproduce

1.Enter in game
2.Spawn a mod
3.nothing drops besides mod drops

Screenshots/Logs/Crash Reports





Please provide a copy of the following:
The servers copy of the lightmanscurrency-common.toml config file. (located within the servers config folder.


#Common configuration settings
#Level of debug messages to be shown in the logs.
#0-All debug messages. 1-Warnings/Errors only. 2-Errors only. 3-No debug messages.
#Note: All debug messages will still be sent debug.log regardless of settings.
#Range: 0 ~ 3
debugLevel = 0

#Crafting Settings.
	#Whether Network Traders can be crafted.
	#Disabling will not remove any existing Network Traders from the world, nor prevent their use.
	#Disabling does NOT disable the recipes of Network Upgrades or the Trading Terminals.
	#/reload required for changes to take effect.
	allowNetworkTraderCrafting = true
	#Whether Trader Interface blocks can be crafted.
	#Disabling will not remove any existing Trader Interfaces from the world, nor prevent their use.
	#/reload required for changes to take effect.
	allowTraderInterfaceCrafting = true
	#Whether Auction Stand blocks can be crafted.
	#Disabling will not remove any existing Auction Stands from the world, nor prevent their use.
	#/reload required for changes to take effect.
	allowAuctionStandCrafting = true

#Villager Related Settings.
#Note: Any changes to villagers requires a full reboot to be applied due to how Minecraft/Forge registers trades.
	#Whether the wandering trader will have additional trades that allow you to buy misc items with money.
	addCustomWanderingTrades = true
	#Whether the banker villager profession will have any registered trades. The banker sells Lightman's Currency items for coins.
	addBanker = true
	#Whether the cashier villager profession will have any registered trades.. The cashier sells an amalgamation of vanilla traders products for coins.
	addCashier = true

	#Settings Related to other Villagers
		#Whether vanilla villagers should have the Emeralds from their trades replaced with coins.
		changeVanillaTrades = true
		#Whether villagers added by other mods should have the Emeralds from their trades replaced with coins.
		changeModdedTrades = false
		#Whether the wandering trader should have the emeralds from their trades replaced with the default trader coin.
		changeWanderingTrades = false
		#The default coin to replace a traders emeralds with.
		defaultTraderCoin = "lightmanscurrency:coin_emerald"
		#List of trader coin overrides.
		#Each entry must be formatted as follows: "mod:some_trader_type-lightmanscurrency:some_coin"
		#Every trader not on this list will use the default trader coin defined above.
		traderOverrides = ["minecraft:butcher-lightmanscurrency:coin_iron", "minecraft:cartographer-lightmanscurrency:coin_iron", "minecraft:farmer-lightmanscurrency:coin_iron", "minecraft:fisherman-lightmanscurrency:coin_iron", "minecraft:fletcher-lightmanscurrency:coin_copper", "minecraft:leatherworker-lightmanscurrency:coin_iron", "minecraft:mason-lightmanscurrency:coin_iron", "minecraft:shepherd-lightmanscurrency:coin_iron"]

#Loot item customization. Accepts item ids (i.e. lightmanscurrency:coin_copper).
#Input 'minecraft:air' to not spawn loot of that tier (so that you can use higher-tier spawn rates without the presence of lower-tier loot).
	#T1 loot item. Used for T1-T6 entity & chest loot drops.
	lootItemT1 = "lightmanscurrency:coin_copper"
	#T2 loot item. Used for T2-T6 entity & chest loot drops.
	lootItemT2 = "lightmanscurrency:coin_iron"
	#T3 loot item. Used for T3-T6 entity & chest loot drops.
	lootItemT3 = "lightmanscurrency:coin_gold"
	#T4 loot item. Used for T4-T6 entity & chest loot drops.
	lootItemT4 = "lightmanscurrency:coin_emerald"
	#T5 loot item. Used for T5-T6 entity & chest loot drops.
	lootItemT5 = "lightmanscurrency:coin_diamond"
	#T6 loot item. Used for T6 entity & chest loot drops.
	lootItemT6 = "lightmanscurrency:coin_netherite"

#Entity loot settings. Accepts entity ids (i.e. minecraft:zombie)
	#Whether coins can be dropped by entities. Does not effect chest loot generation.
	enableEntityDrops = true
	#Whether coins can be dropped by entities that were spawned by the vanilla spawner.
	enableSpawnerEntityDrops = false
	#Whether modded machines that emulate player behaviour can trigger coin drops from entities.
	#Set to false to help prevent coin farming.
	allowFakePlayerTrigger = true
	#Entities that will occasionally drop T1 loot.
	entityListT1 = []
	#Entities that will occasionally drop T1 -> T2 loot.
	entityListT2 = []
	#Entities that will occasionally drop T1 -> T3 loot.
	entityListT3 = []
	#Entities that will occasionally drop T1 -> T4 loot.
	entityListT4 = []
	#Entities that will occasionally drop T1 -> T5 loot.
	entityListT5 = []
	#Entities that will occasionally drop T1 -> T6 loot.
	entityListT6 = []
	#Entities that will drop a large amount of T1 loot.
	bossEntityListT1 = []
	#Entities that will drop a large amount of T1 -> T2 loot.
	bossEntityListT2 = []
	#Entities that will drop a large amount of T1 -> T3 loot.
	bossEntityListT3 = []
	#Entities that will drop a large amount of T1 -> T4 loot.
	bossEntityListT4 = []
	#Entities that will drop a large amount of T1 -> T5 loot.
	bossEntityListT5 = []
	#Entities that will drop a large amount of T1 -> T6 loot.
	bossEntityListT6 = []

#Chest loot settings.
	#Whether coins can spawn in chests Does not effect entity loot drops.
	enableChestLoot = true
	#Chests that will occasionally spawn T1 loot.
	chestListT1 = []
	#Chests that will occasionally spawn T1 -> T2 loot.
	chestListT2 = []
	#Chests that will occasionally spawn T1 -> T3 loot.
	chestListT3 = []
	#Chests that will occasionally spawn T1 -> T4 loot.
	chestListT4 = []
	#Chests that will occasionally spawn T1 -> T5 loot.
	chestListT5 = []
	#Chests that will occasionally spawn T1 -> T6 loot.
	chestListT6 = []

I changed it to text bc you can`t send .toml files on github


entityListT1 = []

entityListT2 = []

entityListT3 = []

entityListT4 = []


No entities are configured to drop coins, and thus no mobs will drop them.
Did you edit this at some point, or is my mod not generating the default entries properly?


I never edited it. I just remember that when i played the mod in other versions it was already filled with te enity list an chest list


Should i just add every entity by hand?


Should i just add every entity by hand?

You can do that if you need to, but for now here's a properly generated "default config" that you can use if you want.


Edit: I have tested and can 100% confirm that it doesn't generate the default config values at least, but I found the issue so this will be fixed in the next update.


I know you already closed this, but this has now been officially fixed in v2.1.1.4 (v2.1.1.0d for any 1.19.3 players).