Lightman's Currency

Lightman's Currency


BUG: LCTech recipe and ATM balance

DankestO opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Minecraft Version


Forge Version


Lightman's Currency Version


Environment Type

Minecraft Client (Bug/crash happened in a single-player world or while the game was booting)

Other relevant Mods


Describe the bug

I found two possible errors, one in LCTech with a "fluid trader interface terminal" crafting, there is an item placed with a tag and not as an item.

And another one in Lightsman's currency mod, inside the ATM, the balance is outside the bank, is that normal?
In the transfer tab the balance it's inside ATM so... not sure lol

To Reproduce

  • When searching in JEI for "fluid trader interface terminal"
    -When using the ATM and going to the Manage account tab

Screenshots/Logs/Crash Reports



Oh, it's nothing, a pleasure to help, thank to you for this wonderful mod :D
Have a nice day Mr. Lightman


The reason behind the recipe being broken is that I changed the tag for trading terminals from "lightmanscurrency:trading_terminal" to "lightmanscurrency:network_terminal" in the latest LC build, and LC Tech has not yet been updated to account for that.

That said thank you for pointing out the balance text rendering in the wrong position, so I'll make sure that gets fixed in the next bug-fix patch that should (hopefully) be out some time today or tomorrow. I'll probably go ahead and re-add the "trading_terminal" tag as well and have it just inherit the "network_trader" tag for compatibilities sake.


Fixed in LC v2.1.2.1b/c (patch # is different depending on the MC version)