Lightman's Currency

Lightman's Currency


Feature Request: {Integration with OPAC to purchase claimblocks}

BakedSam opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I'd like for players to be able to buy additional claimblocks through Open Parties & Claims

There's currently no way to increase a players claimblocks that I'm aware of without adding a bonusChunkClaims number, but that would require me to use /functions and weird hacks to purchase them with LC.

Having a way somehow to allow players to buy additional claimblocks from the server for a configurable amount of LC would be awesome


Would it be possible to implement this feature with FTB chunks and ranks then? I've been looking for a clean implementation for this sort of functionality.


As much as I'd like to add this compatibility, they don't have a built in method of adding bonus claims/forceloads via a command like FTB Chunks does, nor do they have any form of MaxClaimProvider API like Cadmus does.

Without anything along those lines I cannot implement any method of purchasing additional claims or forceloads without a ridiculous amount of work on my part that just isn't worth it unfortunately.