Lightman's Currency

Lightman's Currency


BUG: Duping Glitch (MAJOR)

CorranEveryone opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Minecraft Version


Forge Version


Lightman's Currency Version


Environment Type

Dedicated Server (Bug/crash happened while connected to a server or while the dedicated server was booting)

Other relevant Mods

No response

Describe the bug

It allows for infinite coins

To Reproduce

  1. Make a Coinpile
  2. Put it in your wallet
  3. Go into the bank menu
  4. Put in 9 coins of the type you have
  5. Press deposit
  6. Done! (Notice you have put the coins in the bank account but it is also still in your wallet)

Screenshots/Logs/Crash Reports

All I will tell you is that my friend had 1006n.


Fixed in v2.2.0.0f. Thank you for reporting!


Thanks! My friend was going to remove this mod but i stopped him saying that i can ask him to get it fixed by letting you know about it! Thanks for being quick about it too!